Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Long Beach MMJ Collectives Under Attack By DA Cooley

The attack continues against medical cannabis dispensaries in California, as L.A.DA Cooley refuses to drop charges against humanitarian and MMJ patient crusader Joe Grumbine.  Mr. Grumbine has rejected a felony deal that would force him to sign a paper agreeing that he is a criminal for operating a medical marijuana collective as allowed under sb420, California’s medical marijuana program act. Joe Byron offered to accept a plea if the government hacks would drop charges against Grumbine and allow them to operate legally as allowed under prop 215 and sb420

In a show of defiance against the will of California medical marijuana patients and the general voters, the Long Beach prosecutors refused to drop the bogus charges.    They have set arguments about what the jury will be allowed to hear for September 15 and placed the trial date for September 26.  
On September 15, it is expected that the prosecutor will try to prevent as much of the legitimate information regarding a medical defense as to proof that the defense has that this collective was operating under state law.  Many people don’t know that medical marijuana is an “affirmative defense” similar to a self defense charge, the defendant actually has to prove they are innocent.  This is different than almost all other types of criminal charges where the prosecutors always have to prove that the defendant is guilty.  The judges then have the power to influence the outcome of the trial if they refuse to allow the defendant to show that he was operating under state law.  Politics plays out in the courtooms as District Attorneys commonly can influence judges or work in collusion with them to undermine the will of the people as they voted to legalize medical marijuana 15 years ago.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Israeli government Says "yes" to therapeutic use of Marijuana!

The Israeli government this week formally acknowledged the therapeutic utility of cannabis and announced newly amended guidelines governing the state-sponsored production and distribution of medical cannabis to Israeli patients.

A prepared statement posted Monday on the website of office of the Israeli Prime Minister states: “The Cabinet today approved arrangements and supervision regarding the supply of cannabis for medical and research uses. This is in recognition that the medical use of cannabis is necessary in certain cases. The Health Ministry will – in coordination with the Israel Police and the Israel Anti-Drug Authority – oversee the foregoing and will also be responsible for supplies from imports and local cultivation.”
According to Israeli news reports, approximately 6,000 Israeli patients are supplied with locally grown cannabis as part of a limited government program. This week’s announcement indicates that government officials intend to expand the program to more patients and centralize the drug’s cultivation. “[T]here are predictions that doctor and patient satisfaction is so high that the number could reach 40,000 in 2016,” The Jerusalem Post reported.

The Israeli Ministry of Health is expected to oversee the production of marijuana in January 2012.
Similar government-sponsored medical marijuana programs are also active in Canada and the Netherlands.
By contrast, in July the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) formally denied a nine-year-old petition calling on the agency to initiate hearings to reassess the present classification of marijuana as a schedule I controlled substance, stating in the July 8, 2011 edition of the Federal Register that cannabis has “a high potential for abuse; … no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States; … [and] lacks accepted safety for use under medical supervision.”


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Carl Sagan's Wife Ann Druyan President of NORML

This is excerpt from a set of question sent to Mrs. Druyan on Reddit by the "Trees" community for which she was more than happy to respond.  
When do you believe the federal laws against marijuana will be repealed?I am probably the wrong person to ask this question, having foolishly believed for decades that sane national drug policy was just around the corner. You know when Pat Robertson starts asking "Why are we locking people up for having a couple of joints?" that national drug policy is way behind the curve.

What is the best thing an individual activist can do to help your cause other than writing congressional leaders?Join and support NORML working tirelessly for you for forty years.

Many feel that the idea of starting with medicinal marijuana is not the way to go about legalization. Some people want to see marijuana treated as a recreational drug, similar to alcohol, as procuring a prescription drug without a prescription is a crime; What are your thoughts on the matter of legal medicinal versus legal recreational?Our most immediate concern must be with those who are suffering from illnesses and treatments (chemotherapy, radiation) that marijuana has demonstrated efficacy to relieve. Beyond that, I do not believe that the government has the right, nor is it in society's longterm interest to punish people for victimless crimes.

Given the stigma surrounding marijuana, How do you begin to re-shape the general public's view?It would be good for people to be generally more honest about their usage. If you only discover someone's use of marijuana in the context of an arrest, the negative association for people who have no experience with marijuana is a natural one. Lying and hypocrisy are what's shameful. I thought Lady Gaga handled the question recently on "60 Minutes" with exemplary candor.

Do you support the legalization and/or decriminalization of any other drugs besides marijuana? If not, what makes marijuana unique? If so, what drugs and why?If governments and schools would disseminate information that scrupulously reflected scientific understanding rather than half-truths and scare tactics, more people, including the young, would take what they have to say seriously. Not everyone, of course, but a much higher percentage. We have failed at teaching people which drugs should truly be avoided and which drugs are least harmful, nor anything regarding the sacramental nature of healthy drug usage along the lines of our ancestors' practices for perhaps the last couple of hundred thousand years. Drug use is bound up with lying, secrecy, fear, hypocrisy, shame--all the things that eat away at human relationships. Just as in the days of alcohol prohibition there has been a parting of the ways between public conduct and government policy. Solid citizens are criminalized and respect for law is systematically undermined. Right now I think the abuse of legal prescription drugs poses a far greater threat to our society, and especially our kids, than those which are forbidden.
Until next time. . .
Wow... What an incredible lady! 

Monday, August 1, 2011

S.C. Labs and WeedMaps: Test your flower with a liquid chromatography and mass spectrometer

Progressively more Collectives Are Lab-Testing Their Medical Marijuana.  But do you understand what the results in point of fact mean? …and are they to be trusted?

Stroll into just about any medicinal marijuana collective and the shelves will be well stocked with branded containers of medical cannabis.  For the most part the labels on these containers list some more rudimentary info: the strain’s designation, whether it’s sativa or indica dominant, perhaps if it was cultivated indoors or outdoors.

As more and more California medical marijuana collectives are including the THC and cannabidiol percentage of their buds.  Several dispensaries, including many on WeedMaps, even promote THC levels in their ads.