Monday, September 26, 2011

When the police and judges say war on drugs failed... ask for legalization

Hundreds of law enforcement professionals including Denver’s U.S. District Judge John Kane have come together on a curious quest: Saying the drug war (specifically marijuana) has failed, they want to legalize drugs. Some are very nuts and bolts, saying the war on drugs has cost trillions of dollars while only making the problem worse. Others like Kane, while agreeing on that point, are more philosophical. “Our national drug policy is inconsistent with the nature of justice, abusive of the nature of authority, and ignorant of the compelling force of forgiveness,” he says on the web site of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.

What the some police are saying:
Tony Ryan, who was a Denver police officer for more than 35 years, told The Colorado Independent that not only has the drug war been utterly ineffective but that it has also been counterproductive in many important ways. He says the war on drugs is the number one reason cops become corrupt. “It’s the money. These drug cartels don’t care who they kill. Even a good cop, faced with the choice of ‘take this money or we’ll kill you’ will often take the money. And it is getting worse. Drugs are a vicious business,” he said. Ryan, now retired, says he never worked in narcotics but that illegal drug trafficking puts every cop’s life at risk and puts every cop in the position of potentially being offered the take a bribe or die proposition.


CannaCenters is proud to introduce the Attorney Protection Program and further our reputation as the most responsible choice in the industry. Never before has a more comprehensive program been implemented by a doctor's office to protect their patients. In the event you should have a run in with law enforcement relative to your medical marijuana recommendation, CannaCenters has arranged for you to have a conference with an Attorney who specializes in medical marijuana laws.